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Go FullyRaw in Bali with Kristina

Health. Adventure. Yoga.
Healing. Transformation.

Go FullyRaw in Bali

Health. Adventure. Yoga. Healing. Transformation.

Join Me

Transform Your Life in Bali

7 Nights & 8 Days April 3rd-10th, 2021



This FullyRaw Retreat is in Bali at the Soulshine is located in Ubud. The retreat is surrounded by ancient rice terraces, along a flowing river and sacred temples, we have created a place of happiness where your soul can soar in the sun.

Dive into paradise and experience the magic of Bali!

Treat yourself to a week long transformative retreat full of yoga, healthy delicious food, activities, cultural excursions while nourishing your body with fresh organic meals and nurturing your body and soul with healing treatments.


I welcome you to join my very exclusive retreat experience for health, healing, and liberation. This retreat is for you, a health and lifestyle lover, who loves adventure, delicious raw and vegan food, nature, education, yoga, and even meditation. It's not just about food. This is a mind, body, and spirit journey. I am going ALL out to create a once in a lifetime experience that will leave you feeling motivated, inspired, and excited for the future.

This retreat is in the heart of Ubud, Bali at the Soulshine Retreat Center. Many day excursions and field trips will be taken to other cities and other parts of the island during the retreat as well.



This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to discover a new path for yourself, relax, laugh, get in great physical shape, make new friends, find inner peace, spend time with me (Kristina!), eat incredibly delicious food, and learn how to make a truly healthy lifestyle work for you no matter where in the world you live.

I am bringing the best of the best yoga teachers, mediation teachers, chefs, fitness trainers, and even motivational speakers to join us and help to coach everyone along the way.

If you’re looking to surround yourself with amazing people, THIS IS IT.

It’s going to be an EPIC retreat.




My husband Colin and I absolutely loved the retreat! It was a week of AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, and DELICIOUS food! We loved the excursions, the yoga, meditation, and the breathing class. If you're considering coming, COME! You will love it! We will defi-nitely be back next year! - Jen Kelly


This is an all-inclusive retreat starting at $5500.

All expenses mentioned below other than your plane ticket will be covered.

My intention is for you to not have to take out your wallet AT ALL during this trip, unless you want to buy gifts or souvenirs for loved ones.

From the moment you land, we will be taking care of you to make sure that you have the BEST experience possible.

This is about YOU.


to and form the airport

7 night
hotel stay

3 raw or vegan meals
a day

Breath Work & Sound Healing

Daily yoga classes

Group mediation sessions

Group adventures trips to waterfalls, the ocean, temples,

Wellness workshops food demos or recipe prep classes

Daily educational talks, courses, and demos

Fitness training daily (optional)


Spa day
(1 massage per person)


I have NEVER been so excited to host a retreat like this, and I am VERY excited to get close and personal with the group of individuals who come.

It's in BALI, Indonesia, one of the most magical places on earth.

I lived in Bali for 4 months last year, and it became like a second home to me. I am excited to share with you all of my favorite spots and secret places on the island.

You will be eating the most delicious raw vegan or vegan food at EVERY meal! You will be s000 spoiled, trust me.

Every night, we will be eating at a different raw vegan or vegan restaurant. My choices! The best! Raw vegan options will be available for every person if that is more comfortable to you. If you prefer vegan, that is available as well.

No meat or dairy will be served at the retreat. I will be sharing the importance of living healthfully, ethically, and environmentally with our group and why this has such an impact on our bodies and the planet.

You will have an in-person one-on-one coaching session with me. So get your questions ready!

You will receive an epic massage from the Balinese who master in the best forms of healing touch.

The center we are staying at was founded by Michael Franti, who is a music legend for creating conscious and powerful music. This center is so peaceful. It's in the middle of a jungle and also next to a gorgeous rice field with an organic garden and even pool. I am so grateful Soulshine is hosting us, because it is my FAVORITE place to stay while I am in Bali. I stayed last year, and I didn't want to leave. Literally.

Daily yoga classes with the BEST yoga teachers.

You will get to exercise daily AND eat pristine, which means that this is a vacation that you don't have to worry about gaining weight will come back looking in shape and feeling better than ever! Are you ready to start glowing?

I will be leading daily wellness workshops along with other amazing individuals. You will be getting lots of personal attention to achieve the results you desire and to make sure ALL of your questions are being answered.

I will be leading women's circles during the retreat for those who desire deeper emotional and spiritual healing.

0-2 Breath Awakening Class

I am going to keep us BUSY! There will only be about 20-30 minutes of rest periods during the day because there is so much FUN to have. During your down time, you have the option to swim, sunbathe, reflect on the lessons, meditate, or take walks through the rice fields.

Gratitude circles and meditations will be a part of our morning and evening routine.

There will be an EPIC DANCE party under the stars!!

You will get to meet some of the COOLEST people on this trip, many of which will have common interests with you. Some of these individuals may even be your friends for life.

You will leave this retreat healthier and happier than EVER. NOW is your chance! Why wait?!


โ€‹Only 30 spaces available. โ€‹

Once you arrive, you’ll be given a daily schedule.โ€‹

Families are welcome.โ€‹

The Soulshine Retreat Center has all amenities, including wi-fl. There will be staff with the hotel who will be helping us, so you will be well taken care of if you need anything at all.

For more questions, please contact us at

[email protected]

Point of contact: Lorra Fae


  • Morning Yoga with Instructor
  • Morning Meditation
  • Raw Vegan Breakfast at Soulshine
  • 30 Minute Break
  • Presentation / Demo with Instructor
  • Individual Sessions with Kristina
  • Outings & Adventures with the
  • Group to the BEST Magical Spots in Bali
  • Raw Vegan Lunch at Soulshine
  • Afternoon Talk with Kristina about
  • Raw Food & Healthy Living/ FAQ
  • Optional: Massages & Spa
  • Group Outings for Food Demos,
  • Classes, & More!
  • 30 Minute Break
  • Dinner at a Different Raw / Vegan
  • Restaurant Each Night
  • Before Bedtime Group Session (Yoga) & Meditation Gratitude Circle

My husband Colin and I absolutely loved the retreat! It was a week of AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, and DELICIOUS food! We loved the excursions, the yoga, meditation, and the breathing class. If you're considering coming, COME! You will love it! We will defi-nitely be back next year!

- Jen Kelly

I have just returned from the very first FullyRaw Retreat in Bali and if I had to sum it up in two words I would say LIFE CHANGING.

- Kristen Froehlich

Words cannot describe the blessing and honor it was to attend the first fully raw retreat by FullyRawKristina ...This has been one of the most memorable and beautiful experiences I have had. Their attention to detail and their loving hearts made us feel loved, safe, and very special.

- Betty Ramos

The retreat was amazing and so healing! Everything about it was so perfect, its hard to come up with the words to really express how great it was. I have taken everything I learned and brought it home to use in my everyday life.

- Alexis Vickery

Attending Kristina's Fully Raw Retreat was my first retreat of any kind.. I can't thank her enough for the tools she gave us to lead healthier lifestyles and for the opportunity to make these life-long new friendships. THANK YOU KRISTINA and the Fullyraw team.

- Zoe Rivers

I feel so happy & blessed to have been a part of Kristina's first fully raw vegan yoga retreat I cannot put into words how grateful I am. Before the end of the first day, I felt like it was already worth my money. I've never felt healthier than during and after the retreat. Definitely life-chang-ing. It was worth every penny and more.

- Richard Austin

Kristina is a sweet, genuine person who took the time to plan an amazing re-treat in Bali. She thought through many meaningful activities where attendees could gain knowledge applicable to improving their overall health and well being. Along with informative excursions, there were plenty of opportunities to connect with the group or just relax. There was always an abundance of deli-cious raw food dishes to keep us full throughout the trip. I would highly recom-mend Fully Raw Retreats to those who want to connect with a community that encourages healthy eating and lifestyle.

- Brianna Perry

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